1. Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency: Originally announced with much fanfare, Libra faced significant regulatory pushback and lost the support of key partners, resulting in a scaled-down project.

2. Google’s Stadia: The cloud-based gaming platform failed to live up to expectations due to issues with streaming quality, limited game library, and a lack of exclusives.

3. Amazon’s Echo Frames: These smart glasses, integrated with Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa, failed to gain traction due to limited functionality and design limitations.

4. Samsung’s Galaxy Fold: The highly anticipated foldable phone launch was marred by durability issues and concerns surrounding the device’s folding mechanism.

5. Twitter’s Fleets: Fleets, Twitter’s attempt at ephemeral stories similar to Snapchat and Instagram, failed to gain popularity and was discontinued after a short period.

6. Apple’s AirPower: The wireless charging mat was canceled after two years of delays and technical challenges, despite its initial hype.

7. Quibi: The mobile streaming platform, designed for short-form content, shut down after just six months due to low subscriber numbers and insufficient user engagement.

8. Google’s Pixel 5: The flagship phone failed to impress consumers due to underwhelming features, mediocre battery life, and tough competition from other smartphone brands.

9. LG’s Rollable Smartphone: Announced as an innovative concept, LG indefinitely delayed the launch of its rollable smartphone amid concerns over technical difficulties and market demand.

10. Intel’s 7nm Chips: Intel faced significant delays and setbacks in its development of high-performance 7nm chips, leading to market share losses and a setback in its technology roadmap.

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