1. IBM: IBM has been a leader in diversity and inclusion efforts for many years. They have a strong commitment to diversity, and initiatives such as the Mentorship Project have helped increase the representation of women and underrepresented minorities in the company.

2. Microsoft: Microsoft has made significant strides in diversity and inclusion, with a focus on increasing representation of women and racial/ethnic minorities. The company has several programs and initiatives, including DigiGirlz and Microsoft LEAP, aimed at empowering and supporting underrepresented groups in the tech industry.

3. Salesforce: Salesforce has been recognized for its efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion. The company has established various programs and initiatives, such as the Women’s Network, to support women in tech and increase their representation in leadership roles.

4. Intel: Intel has set ambitious diversity goals and has implemented various initiatives to promote inclusion within the company. They have programs like the Intel Capital Diversity Fund and the Intel She Will Connect initiative, which aim to empower women and bridge the gender gap in technology.

5. Cisco: Cisco has actively worked towards building a diverse and inclusive workforce and has been recognized for its efforts. They have several programs, including the Cisco Networking Academy and the Cisco Empowered Women’s Network, focused on promoting diversity and empowering women in tech.

6. Apple: Apple has made efforts to improve the diversity of its workforce and has adopted several inclusion initiatives. The company has established scholarships and programs such as the Apple Entrepreneur Camp to support women and underrepresented groups in technology and entrepreneurship.

7. Google: Google has been working on increasing diversity within its workforce and has implemented various initiatives to promote inclusion. They have programs like the Google in Residence initiative and the Google Women Techmakers, which aim to support underrepresented groups in tech.

8. Hewlett Packard Enterprise: HPE has made strides in diversity and inclusion efforts, with a specific focus on increasing the representation of women and underrepresented minorities. The company has initiatives like the HPE Women’s Network and HPE Inspiring Young Minds, which aim to support women and young talents in tech.

9. Adobe: Adobe has made diversity and inclusion a priority, with initiatives such as the Adobe Digital Academy and the Adobe Creative Residency aimed at supporting underrepresented groups in technology and the creative industry.

10. Dell Technologies: Dell has been committed to diversity and inclusion, implementing various initiatives to create a more inclusive workplace. They have programs like the Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network and the Dell Future Ready Youth Learning Initiative, focused on supporting women and the youth in the tech industry.

Please note that rankings may vary, and this list is not exhaustive.

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